


Our company provides technical and consulting support to customers during all operating time of the delivered equipment. Warranty and post-warranty service maintenance of equipment includes periodic inspection, delivery of spare parts and consumables, maintenance and field repair. The system of service maintenance of delivered equipment guarantees its trouble-free operation and at the same time provides the possibility of modernization of equipment in accordance with new technological tasks.

Experts of our Service Division are always ready to answer your questions and provide all necessary information on operation of our equipment. Another priority of our company is training of customers’ personnel who operate our equipment. Both practical and theoretical experience provides deep knowledge of operation and maintenance procedures for NOV FIDMASH equipment. Especially effective are our weeklong skill improvement courses based on our production facilities in Minsk which include equipment assembly and testing. Such practice is especially important for companies that have no experience in operating coiled tubing equipment.

Also our company offers a wide scope of spare parts and accessories for manufactured equipment ranging from original parts to parts imported from leading world producers.

For more information on training and retraining of personnel contact us by phone in Minsk:

Service Division:
Mob.: +375 29 183 00 02 («24/7»)
Tel.:   +375 17 301 77 52
Fax:   +375 17 202 16 32
Fax:   +375 17 301 77 63

Also our company offers a wide scope of spare parts and accessories for manufactured equipment ranging from original parts to parts imported from leading world producers.

Spare Parts Division:
Tel.: + 375 17 202 16 04
Fax: + 375 17 301 77 63

E-mail: Andrei.Reznikau@fidmash.by